

Eagles.  I love Eagles.  I captured this one soaring in the sky, high above the pines, by pure accident.  I pulled over in a small parking area for hunters because I drive very slowly the the games reserve and there were cars flying by.  I wanted to get out of the way so I could continue on my journey without anyone behind me.  While I sat in the parking area, I noticed out the corner of my eye, an eagle circling over head.  I got out of the car just as it soared by and captured a few photos.  It’s the end of January and here in Ohio it was above 50 degrees.  Blue skies with light clouds.  It was perfect!

Eagles are majestic.  The lazy flapping of their wings in flight seems like they are in no hurry to get where they’re going.  They’re wobbly circling over a field or water makes me stop and watch until it is out of site.  I’m always amazed and excited when I see one.  Especially when it gets so close you can hear it’s wings flapping in the breeze.  They are truly a site to behold. 

Winter on the Lake


I went for a short trip to the lake today.  It’s not a long drive.  It was mostly sunny but very cold.  I’ve been stuck in the house and really needed to get out.  The sun felt good but the wind was brutal!  I was totally underdressed.  I couldn’t walk very far in those conditions so I mostly stayed close to the car in the state
park.  It really was too cold to take photos but I still enjoyed getting out for a little while. 

I captured this photo down by the spillway at mosquito lake.  It’s pretty much the only open water left on the lake.  There wasn’t enough room for all the geese!  But they still gathered in that little spot. 

I love the lake.  Being near water is so calming.  I love the sounds of water and birds.  I try to get to the lake almost every weekend.  It helps to recharge me.  Its just peaceful being out in the woods, by water, listening to nature.  Taking photos is a bonus!  There’s always something different to see every time I’m there.  It’s ever changing and never boring.  I can’t wait to go again! 



Welcome to my blog!  I’ve been told I need to start a blog for my photos.  I’m not much of a writer.  Maybe this will help me be more productive with my photography and maybe teach me to be a better writer.  Who knows?  It could be fun!

This photo was taken on a frosty morning near a lake I like to visit regularly.  I love nature and wildlife photography but that doesn’t pay the bills right now.  I’d love to be a full time photographer.  Paying the bills doing something I love would be a dream come true!  I’m not sure why I never thought about doing this for a living before now.  I’ve always had a camera.  I have thousands of photos printed from the days before digital cameras.  I now have thousands of photos on my computer.  I’ve never really thought of myself as the “artistic” type.  I can’t draw or paint.  But I love photos.  I love everything about them.  I love looking at everyone’s photos.  When I’m driving or walking, I look at everything as if it were an image I’m about to take.  I think about light and point of view and angles when I see something I like.  It’s weird, I know.  But that’s me.

I hope to keep up on this blog.  Maybe I’ll only post some photos.  Maybe I’ll write a little about them.  Maybe not.  But in any case, I hope you’ll like it.

Follow me on instagram @debbiep1102 or on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/Frame-by-Frame-Photography-897942136931671/

Thank you!